Evergreen Products

Spill Response, Mitigation, and Remediation Made Simple

Who We Are

At Evergreen Products, LLC, we specialize in simplifying spill response, mitigation, and remediation processes. With our comprehensive range of products, we aim to streamline every step, from initial response to cleanup and restoration. Whether you're dealing with a spill that's already happened or implementing preventive measures, our solutions are designed to make the task simple and effective. With Evergreen Products, you can trust that managing spills will be efficient, straightforward, and environmentally responsible.

Evergreen Oil Eliminator

Evergreen Oil Eliminator is a non-toxic natural solution of seven select microbes and enhancers that digest petroleum hydrocarbons including oils, fuels, and greases into non-toxic byproducts. This formula is specifically formulated to drastically decrease remediation time for released petroleum products present in soils for less than $2 a cubic yard.

Evergreen Ever Clean

Evergreen Ever Clean is a non-toxic natural cleaning solution of detergents and select microbes that digest petroleum hydrocarbons that are removed during cleaning. No longer worry about wash water runoff polluting soils and waterways.

Our Products

Whether you are cleaning a spill that’s already happened or trying to prevent one, we have the products you need.

Oil Eliminator - Petroleum Product Microbial Remediation Solution

Ever Clean - Non Toxic Microbial Cleaning Solution